Source code for droplets.droplets

Classes representing (perturbed) droplets in various dimensions

The classes differ in what features of a droplet they track. In the simplest case, only
the position and radius of a spherical droplet are stored. Other classes additionally
keep track of the interfacial width or shape perturbations (of various degrees).

.. autosummary::


Inheritance structure of the classes:

.. inheritance-diagram:: droplets.droplets
   :parts: 1

The details of the classes are explained below:

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np
from numba.extending import register_jitable
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import structured_to_unstructured
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike
from scipy import integrate

from pde.fields import ScalarField
from pde.grids.base import GridBase
from import Cuboid
from import preserve_scalars
from import PlotReference, plot_on_axes

from .tools import spherical

TDroplet = TypeVar("TDroplet", bound="DropletBase")
DTypeList = list[Union[tuple[str, type[Any]], tuple[str, type[Any], tuple[int, ...]]]]

def get_dtype_field_size(dtype: DTypeLike, field_name: str) -> int:
    """return the number of elements in a field of structured numpy array

        dtype (list):
            The dtype of the numpy array
        field_name (str):
            The name of the field that needs to be checked
    shape = dtype.fields[field_name][0].shape  # type: ignore
    return if shape else 1  # type: ignore

def iterate_in_pairs(it, fill=0):
    """return consecutive pairs from an iterator

    For instance, `list(pair_iterator('ABCDE', fill='Z'))` returns
    `[('A', 'B'), ('C', 'D'), ('E', 'Z')]`

        it (iterator):
            The iterator
            The value returned for the second part of the last returned tuple if the
            length of the iterator is odd

        This is a generator function that yields pairs of items of the iterator
    it = iter(it)
    while True:
        # obtain first item of tuple
            first = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
        # obtain second item of tuple
            yield first, next(it)
        except StopIteration:
            yield first, fill

class DropletBase:
    """represents a generic droplet

    The data associated with a droplet is stored in structured array. Consequently, the
    `dtype` of the array determines what information the droplet class stores.

    _subclasses: dict[str, DropletBase] = {}  # collect all inheriting classes

    __slots__ = ["data"]

    data: np.recarray  # all information about the droplet in a record array

    _merge_data: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], None]
    """private method for merging droplet data, created by __init_subclass__"""

    def from_data(cls, data: np.recarray) -> DropletBase:
        """create droplet class from a given data

            data (:class:`numpy.recarray`):
                The data array used to initialize the droplet
        # note that we do not call the __init__ method of the class, since we do
        # not need to invent the dtype and set all the attributes. We here
        # simply assume that the given data is sane
        obj = cls.__new__(cls) = data
        return obj

    def from_droplet(cls, droplet: DropletBase, **kwargs) -> DropletBase:
        r"""return a droplet with data taken from `droplet`

            droplet (:class:`DropletBase`):
                Another droplet from which data is copied. This does not be the same
                type of droplet
                Additional arguments that can overwrite data in `droplet` or set
                additional arguments for the current class
        args = droplet._args
        return cls(**args)

    def get_dtype(cls, **kwargs) -> DTypeList:
        """determine the dtype representing this droplet class

                The (structured) dtype associated with this class

    def _init_data(self, **kwargs) -> None:
        """initializes the `data` attribute if it is not present

                Arguments used to determine the dtype of the data array
        if not hasattr(self, "data"):
            dtype = self.get_dtype(**kwargs)

            # We need to create an empty record with the correct data type. Note
            # that the conversion np.recarray(1)[0] turns the array into a
            # scalar type (instance of numpy.record) that contains the
            # structured data. This conversion is necessary for numba to operate
            # on the data.
   = np.recarray(1, dtype=dtype)[0]

    def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):  # @NoSelf
        """modify subclasses of this base class"""

        # register all subclassess to reconstruct them later
        if cls is not DropletBase:
            if cls.__name__ in cls._subclasses:
                warnings.warn(f"Redefining class {cls.__name__}")
            cls._subclasses[cls.__name__] = cls

        # create a staticmethod for merging droplet data
        cls._merge_data = staticmethod(cls._make_merge_data())

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return NotImplemented
        return np.allclose(
            self._data_array, other._data_array, rtol=0, atol=0, equal_nan=True

    def check_data(self):
        """method that checks the validity and consistency of"""

    def _args(self):
        return {key:[key] for key in}

    def __str__(self):
        arg_list = [f"{key}={value}" for key, value in self._args.items()]
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(arg_list)})"

    __repr__ = __str__

    def _data_array(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: the data of the droplet in an unstructured array"""
        return structured_to_unstructured(  # type: ignore

    def copy(self: TDroplet, **kwargs) -> TDroplet:
        r"""return a copy of the current droplet

                Additional arguments an be used to set data of the returned droplet.
        if kwargs:
            return self.from_droplet(self, **kwargs)  # type: ignore
            return self.from_data(  # type: ignore

    def _make_merge_data(cls) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], None]:
        """factory for a function that merges the data of two droplets"""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def merge(self: TDroplet, other: TDroplet, *, inplace: bool = False) -> TDroplet:
        """merge two droplets into one"""
        if inplace:
            self._merge_data(,,  # type: ignore
            return self
            result = np.record(np.zeros_like(
            self._merge_data(,, out=result)  # type: ignore
            return self.__class__.from_data(result)  # type: ignore

    def data_bounds(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        """tuple: lower and upper bounds on the parameters"""
        num = len(self._data_array)
        return np.full(num, -np.inf), np.full(num, np.inf)

[docs] class SphericalDroplet(DropletBase): """Represents a single, spherical droplet""" __slots__ = ["data"] def __init__(self, position: np.ndarray, radius: float): r""" Args: position (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Position of the droplet center radius (float): Radius of the droplet """ self._init_data(position=position) self.position = position self.radius = radius self.check_data()
[docs] def check_data(self): """method that checks the validity and consistency of""" if self.radius < 0: raise ValueError("Radius must be positive")
[docs] @classmethod def get_dtype(cls, **kwargs) -> DTypeList: """determine the dtype representing this droplet class Args: position (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The position vector of the droplet, determining space dimension. Returns: :class:`numpy.dtype`: the (structured) dtype associated with this class """ position = np.atleast_1d(kwargs.pop("position")) assert not kwargs # no more keyword arguments dim = len(position) return [("position", float, (dim,)), ("radius", float)]
@property def dim(self) -> int: """int: the spatial dimension this droplet is embedded in""" return get_dtype_field_size(, "position") @property def data_bounds(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """tuple: lower and upper bounds on the parameters""" l, h = super().data_bounds l[self.dim] = 0 # radius must be non-negative return l, h
[docs] @classmethod def from_volume(cls, position: np.ndarray, volume: float): """Construct a droplet from given volume instead of radius Args: position (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Center of the droplet volume (float): Volume of the droplet interface_width (float, optional): Width of the interface """ dim = len(np.array(position, np.double, ndmin=1)) radius = spherical.radius_from_volume(volume, dim) return cls(position, radius)
@property def position(self) -> np.ndarray: """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: the position of the droplet""" return["position"] @position.setter def position(self, value: np.ndarray) -> None: value = np.asanyarray(value) if len(value) != self.dim: raise ValueError(f"The dimension of the position must be {self.dim}")["position"] = value @property def radius(self) -> float: """float: the radius of the droplet""" return float(["radius"]) @radius.setter def radius(self, value: float) -> None:["radius"] = value self.check_data() @property def volume(self) -> float: """float: volume of the droplet""" return spherical.volume_from_radius(self.radius, self.dim) @volume.setter def volume(self, volume: float) -> None: """set the radius from a supplied volume""" self.radius = spherical.radius_from_volume(volume, self.dim) @property def surface_area(self) -> float: """float: surface area of the droplet""" return spherical.surface_from_radius(self.radius, self.dim) @property def bbox(self) -> Cuboid: """:class:``: bounding box of the droplet""" return Cuboid.from_points( self.position - self.radius, self.position + self.radius )
[docs] def overlaps(self, other: SphericalDroplet, grid: GridBase | None = None) -> bool: """determine whether another droplet overlaps with this one Note that this function so far only compares the distances of the droplets to their radii, which does not respect perturbed droplets correctly. Args: other (:class:`~droplets.droplets.SphericalDroplet`): instance of the other droplet grid (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): grid that determines how distances are measured, which is for instance important to respect periodic boundary conditions. If omitted, an Eucledian distance is assumed. Returns: bool: whether the droplets overlap or not """ if grid is None: distance = float(np.linalg.norm(self.position - other.position)) else: distance = grid.distance(self.position, other.position, coords="cartesian") return distance < self.radius + other.radius
@classmethod def _make_merge_data(cls) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], None]: """factory for a function that merges the data of two droplets""" radius_from_volume = spherical.make_radius_from_volume_nd_compiled() volume_from_radius = spherical.make_volume_from_radius_nd_compiled() @register_jitable def merge_data(drop1: np.ndarray, drop2: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None: """merge the data of two droplets""" dim = len(drop1.position) # type: ignore V1 = volume_from_radius(drop1.radius, dim) # type: ignore V2 = volume_from_radius(drop2.radius, dim) # type: ignore volume = V1 + V2 out.radius = radius_from_volume(volume, dim) # type: ignore # adjust droplet position out.position[...] = (V1 * drop1.position + V2 * drop2.position) / volume # type: ignore return merge_data # type: ignore
[docs] @preserve_scalars def interface_position(self, *args) -> np.ndarray: r"""calculates the position of the interface of the droplet Args: *args (float or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The angles identifying the interface points. For 2d droplets, this is simply the angle in polar coordinates. For 3d droplets, both the azimuthal angle θ (in :math:`[0, \pi]`) and the polar angle φ (in :math:`[0, 2\pi]`) need to be specified. Returns: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`: An array with the coordinates of the interfacial points associated with each angle given by `φ`. Raises: ValueError: If the dimension of the space is not 2 """ if self.dim != len(args) + 1: raise ValueError(f"Interfacial position requires {self.dim - 1} angles") if self.dim == 2: # spherical droplet in two dimensions φ = args[0] pos = self.radius * np.transpose([np.cos(φ), np.sin(φ)]) elif self.dim == 3: # spherical droplet in three dimensions θ, φ = args[0], args[1] r = np.full_like(θ, self.radius) pos = spherical.points_spherical_to_cartesian(np.c_[r, θ, φ]) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot calculate {self.dim}d position") # shift the droplet center return self.position[None, :] + pos # type: ignore
@property def interface_curvature(self) -> float: """float: the mean curvature of the interface of the droplet""" return 1 / self.radius def _get_phase_field(self, grid: GridBase, dtype: DTypeLike = float) -> np.ndarray: """Creates an image of the droplet on the `grid` Args: grid (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): The grid used for discretizing the droplet phase field dtype (class:`numpy.dtype`): The numpy data type defining the type of the returned image. If `dtype == np.bool`, a binary representation is returned. Returns: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`: An array with data values representing the droplet phase field at support points of the `grid`. """ if self.dim != grid.dim: raise ValueError( f"Droplet (dimension {self.dim}) incompatible with grid (dimension " f"{grid.dim})" ) # calculate distances from droplet center dist = spherical.polar_coordinates(grid, origin=self.position, ret_angle=False) return (dist < self.radius).astype(dtype)
[docs] def get_phase_field( self, grid: GridBase, *, vmin: float = 0, vmax: float = 1, label: str | None = None, ) -> ScalarField: """Creates an image of the droplet on the `grid` Args: grid (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): The grid used for discretizing the droplet phase field vmin (float): Minimal value the phase field will attain (far away from droplet) vmax (float): Maximal value the phase field will attain (inside the droplet) label (str): The label associated with the returned scalar field Returns: :class:`~pde.fields.ScalarField`: A scalar field representing the droplet """ data = self._get_phase_field(grid) data = vmin + (vmax - vmin) * data # scale data return ScalarField(grid, data=data, label=label)
[docs] def get_triangulation(self, resolution: float = 1) -> dict[str, Any]: """obtain a triangulated shape of the droplet surface Args: resolution (float): The length of a typical triangulation element. This affects the resolution of the triangulation. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing information about the triangulation. The exact details depend on the dimension of the problem. """ if self.dim == 2: num = max(3, int(np.ceil(self.surface_area / resolution))) angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num + 1, endpoint=True) vertices = self.interface_position(angles) lines = np.c_[np.arange(num), np.arange(1, num + 1) % num] return {"vertices": vertices, "lines": lines} elif self.dim == 3: # estimate the number of triangles covering the surface try: surface_area = self.surface_area except (NotImplementedError, AttributeError): # estimate surface area from 3d spherical droplet surface_area = spherical.surface_from_radius(self.radius, dim=3) num_est = (4 * surface_area) / (np.sqrt(3) * resolution**2) tri = triangulated_spheres.get_triangulation(num_est) φ, θ = tri["angles"][:, 0], tri["angles"][:, 1] return { "vertices": self.interface_position(θ, φ), "triangles": tri["cells"], } else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Triangulation not implemented for {self.dim}d")
def _get_mpl_patch(self, dim=None, **kwargs): """return the patch representing the droplet for plotting Args: dim (int, optional): The dimension in which the data is plotted. If omitted, the actual physical dimension is assumed. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`matplotlib.patches.Circle`, which creates the patch that represents the droplet. For instance, to only draw the outlines of the droplets, you may need to supply `fill=False`. Returns: :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Circle`: The patch representing the droplet """ import matplotlib as mpl if dim is None: dim = self.dim if dim != 2: raise NotImplementedError("Plotting is only implemented in 2d") if self.dim == 1: position = (self.position[0], 0) else: position = self.position[:dim] return mpl.patches.Circle(position, self.radius, **kwargs)
[docs] @plot_on_axes() def plot(self, ax, value: Callable | None = None, **kwargs) -> PlotReference: """Plot the droplet Args: {PLOT_ARGS} value (callable): Sets the color of the droplet. This could be either `a matplotlib color <>`_ or a function that takes the droplet instance and returns a color in which this droplet is drawn. If given, it overwrites the `color` argument. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the class that creates the patch that represents the droplet. For instance, to only draw the outlines of the droplets, you may need to supply `fill=False`. Returns: :class:``: Information about the plot """ # create the artist representing the droplet artist = self._get_mpl_patch(**kwargs) # add artist to axis and return all information in a plot reference ax.add_artist(artist) return PlotReference(ax, artist)
[docs] class DiffuseDroplet(SphericalDroplet): """Represents a single, spherical droplet with a diffuse interface""" __slots__ = ["data"] def __init__( self, position: np.ndarray, radius: float, interface_width: float | None = None, ): """ Args: position (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Position of the droplet center radius (float): Radius of the droplet interface_width (float, optional): Width of the interface """ self._init_data(position=position) super().__init__(position=position, radius=radius) self.interface_width = interface_width @property def data_bounds(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """tuple: lower and upper bounds on the parameters""" l, h = super().data_bounds l[self.dim + 1] = 0 # interface width must be non-negative return l, h
[docs] @classmethod def get_dtype(cls, **kwargs) -> DTypeList: """determine the dtype representing this droplet class Args: position (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The position vector of the droplet, determining the space dimension. Returns: :class:`numpy.dtype`: the (structured) dtype associated with this class """ dtype = super().get_dtype(**kwargs) return dtype + [("interface_width", float)]
@classmethod def _make_merge_data(cls) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], None]: """factory for a function that merges the data of two droplets""" parent_merge = super()._make_merge_data() @register_jitable def merge_data(drop1: np.ndarray, drop2: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None: """merge the data of two droplets""" parent_merge(drop1, drop2, out) out.interface_width = (drop1.interface_width + drop2.interface_width) / 2 # type: ignore return merge_data # type: ignore @property def interface_width(self) -> float | None: """float: the width of the interface of this droplet""" if np.isnan(["interface_width"]): return None else: return float(["interface_width"]) @interface_width.setter def interface_width(self, value: float | None) -> None: if value is None:["interface_width"] = math.nan elif value < 0: raise ValueError("Interface width must not be negative") else:["interface_width"] = value self.check_data() def _get_phase_field(self, grid: GridBase, dtype: DTypeLike = float) -> np.ndarray: """Creates an image of the droplet on the `grid` Args: grid (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): The grid used for discretizing the droplet phase field dtype (:class:`numpy.dtype`): The numpy data type defining the type of the returned image. If `dtype == np.bool`, a binary representation is returned. Returns: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`: An array with data values representing the droplet phase field at support points of the `grid`. """ if self.dim != grid.dim: raise ValueError( f"Droplet (dimension {self.dim}) incompatible with grid (dimension " f"{grid.dim})" ) if self.interface_width is None: interface_width = grid.typical_discretization else: interface_width = self.interface_width # calculate distances from droplet center dist = spherical.polar_coordinates(grid, origin=self.position, ret_angle=False) # make the image if interface_width == 0 or np.issubdtype(dtype, bool): result = dist < self.radius else: result = 0.5 + 0.5 * np.tanh((self.radius - dist) / interface_width) return result.astype(dtype)
class PerturbedDropletBase(DiffuseDroplet, metaclass=ABCMeta): """represents a single droplet with a perturbed shape. This acts as an abstract class for which member functions need to specified depending on dimensionality. """ __slots__ = ["data"] def __init__( self, position: np.ndarray, radius: float, interface_width: float | None = None, amplitudes: np.ndarray | None = None, ): """ Args: position (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Position of the droplet center radius (float): Radius of the droplet interface_width (float, optional): Width of the interface amplitudes (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The amplitudes of the perturbations """ self._init_data(position=position, amplitudes=amplitudes) super().__init__( position=position, radius=radius, interface_width=interface_width ) self.amplitudes = amplitudes # type: ignore if len(self.position) != self.__class__.dim: raise ValueError(f"Space dimension must be {self.__class__.dim}") @classmethod def get_dtype(cls, **kwargs) -> DTypeList: """determine the dtype representing this droplet class Args: position (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The position vector of the droplet. This is used to determine the space dimension. amplitudes (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The perturbation amplitudes used to determine their size Returns: :class:`numpy.dtype`: the (structured) dtype associated with this class """ # extract data amplitudes = kwargs.pop("amplitudes") if amplitudes is None: modes = 0 else: modes = len(amplitudes) # create dtype dtype = super().get_dtype(**kwargs) return dtype + [("amplitudes", float, (modes,))] @property def data_bounds(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """tuple: lower and upper bounds on the parameters""" l, h = super().data_bounds n = self.dim + 2 # relative perturbation amplitudes must be between [-1, 1] l[n : n + self.modes] = -1 h[n : n + self.modes] = 1 return l, h @property def modes(self) -> int: """int: number of perturbation modes""" shape =["amplitudes"][0].shape return int(shape[0]) if shape else 1 @property def amplitudes(self) -> np.ndarray: """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: the perturbation amplitudes""" return np.atleast_1d(["amplitudes"]) # type: ignore @amplitudes.setter def amplitudes(self, value: np.ndarray | None = None) -> None: if value is None: assert self.modes == 0["amplitudes"] = np.broadcast_to(0.0, (0,)) else:["amplitudes"] = np.broadcast_to(value, (self.modes,)) self.check_data() @abstractmethod def interface_distance(self, *angles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: pass @abstractmethod def interface_curvature(self, *angles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # type: ignore pass @property def volume(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError @volume.setter def volume(self, volume: float) -> None: raise NotImplementedError @property def surface_area(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError def _get_phase_field(self, grid: GridBase, dtype: DTypeLike = float) -> np.ndarray: """Creates a normalized image of the droplet on the `grid` Args: grid (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): The grid used for discretizing the droplet phase field Returns: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`: An array with data values representing the droplet phase field at support points of the `grid`. """ if self.dim != grid.dim: raise ValueError( f"Droplet (dimension {self.dim}) incompatible with grid (dimension " f"{grid.dim})" ) if self.interface_width is None: interface_width = grid.typical_discretization else: interface_width = self.interface_width # calculate grid distance from droplet center dist, *angles = spherical.polar_coordinates( grid, origin=self.position, ret_angle=True ) # calculate interface distance from droplet center interface = self.interface_distance(*angles) # make the image if interface_width == 0 or np.issubdtype(dtype, bool): result = dist < interface else: result = 0.5 + 0.5 * np.tanh((interface - dist) / interface_width) return result.astype(dtype) def _get_mpl_patch(self, dim=None, *, color=None, **kwargs): """return the patch representing the droplet for plotting Args: dim (int, optional): The dimension in which the data is plotted. If omitted, the actual physical dimension is assumed """ raise NotImplementedError(f"Plotting {self.__class__.__name__} not implemented")
[docs] class PerturbedDroplet2D(PerturbedDropletBase): r"""Represents a single droplet in two dimensions with a perturbed shape The shape is described using the distance :math:`R(\phi)` of the interface from the `position`, which is a function of the polar angle :math:`\phi`. This function is expressed as a truncated series of harmonics: .. math:: R(\phi) = R_0 + R_0\sum_{n=1}^N \left[ \epsilon^{(1)}_n \sin(n \phi) + \epsilon^{(2)}_n \cos(n \phi) \right] where :math:`N` is the number of perturbation modes considered, which is given by half the length of the `amplitudes` array. Consequently, amplitudes should always be an even number, to consider both `sin` and `cos` terms. """ dim = 2 __slots__ = ["data"] def __init__( self, position: np.ndarray, radius: float, interface_width: float | None = None, amplitudes: np.ndarray | None = None, ): r""" Args: position (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Position of the droplet center radius (float): Radius of the droplet interface_width (float, optional): Width of the interface amplitudes (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): (dimensionless) perturbation amplitudes :math:`\{\epsilon^{(1)}_1, \epsilon^{(2)}_1, \epsilon^{(1)}_2, \epsilon^{(2)}_2, \epsilon^{(1)}_3, \epsilon^{(2)}_3, \dots \}`. The length of the array needs to be even to capture perturbations of the highest mode consistently. """ super().__init__(position, radius, interface_width, amplitudes) if len(self.amplitudes) % 2 != 0: logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) logger.warning( "`amplitudes` should be of even length to capture all perturbations of " "the highest mode." )
[docs] @preserve_scalars def interface_distance(self, φ: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # type: ignore """calculates the distance of the droplet interface to the origin Args: φ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): The angle in the polar coordinate system that describing the interface Returns: Array with distances of the interfacial points associated with each angle φ """ dist: np.ndarray = np.ones(φ.shape, dtype=float) for n, (a, b) in enumerate(iterate_in_pairs(self.amplitudes), 1): # no 0th mode if a != 0: dist += a * np.sin(n * φ) if b != 0: dist += b * np.cos(n * φ) return self.radius * dist
[docs] @preserve_scalars def interface_position(self, φ: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """calculates the position of the interface of the droplet Args: φ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): The angle in the polar coordinate system that describing the interface Returns: Array with coordinates of interfacial points associated with each angle φ """ dist = self.interface_distance(φ) pos = dist[:, None] * np.transpose([np.sin(φ), np.cos(φ)]) return self.position[None, :] + pos # type: ignore
[docs] @preserve_scalars def interface_curvature(self, φ: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # type: ignore r"""calculates the mean curvature of the interface of the droplet For simplicity, the effect of the perturbations are only included to linear order in the perturbation amplitudes :math:`\epsilon^{(1/2)}_n`. Args: φ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): The angle in the polar coordinate system that describing the interface Returns: Array with curvature at the interfacial points associated with each angle φ """ curv_radius: np.ndarray = np.ones(φ.shape, dtype=float) for n, (a, b) in enumerate(iterate_in_pairs(self.amplitudes), 1): # no 0th mode factor = n * n - 1 if a != 0: curv_radius -= a * factor * np.sin(n * φ) if b != 0: curv_radius -= b * factor * np.cos(n * φ) return 1 / (self.radius * curv_radius)
@property def volume(self) -> float: """float: volume of the droplet""" term = 1 + np.sum(self.amplitudes**2) / 2 return np.pi * self.radius**2 * term # type: ignore @volume.setter def volume(self, volume: float) -> None: """set volume keeping relative perturbations""" term = 1 + np.sum(self.amplitudes**2) / 2 self.radius = np.sqrt(volume / (np.pi * term)) @property def surface_area(self) -> float: """float: surface area of the droplet""" # discretize surface for simple approximation to integral φs, = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 256, endpoint=False, retstep=True) dist: np.ndarray = np.ones(φs.shape, dtype=float) dist_dφ: np.ndarray = np.zeros(φs.shape, dtype=float) for n, (a, b) in enumerate(iterate_in_pairs(self.amplitudes), 1): # no 0th mode if a != 0: dist += a * np.sin(n * φs) dist_dφ += a * n * np.cos(n * φs) if b != 0: dist += b * np.cos(n * φs) dist_dφ -= b * n * np.sin(n * φs) dx = dist_dφ * np.cos(φs) - dist * np.sin(φs) dy = dist_dφ * np.sin(φs) + dist * np.cos(φs) line_element = np.hypot(dx, dy) return self.radius * line_element.sum() * # type: ignore @property def surface_area_approx(self) -> float: """float: surface area of the droplet (quadratic in amplitudes)""" length: float = 4 for n, (a, b) in enumerate(iterate_in_pairs(self.amplitudes), 1): # no 0th mode length += n**2 * (a**2 + b**2) return np.pi * self.radius * length / 2 def _get_mpl_patch(self, dim=2, **kwargs): """return the patch representing the droplet for plotting Args: dim (int, optional): The dimension in which the data is plotted. If omitted, the actual physical dimension is assumed **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:`matplotlib.patches.Polygon`, which creates the patch that represents the droplet. For instance, to only draw the outlines of the droplets, you may need to supply `fill=False`. Returns: :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon`: The patch representing the droplet """ import matplotlib as mpl if dim is None: dim = self.dim if dim != 2: raise NotImplementedError("Plotting is only implemented in 2d") φ = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, endpoint=False) xy = self.interface_position(φ) return mpl.patches.Polygon(xy, closed=True, **kwargs)
[docs] class PerturbedDroplet3D(PerturbedDropletBase): r"""Represents a single droplet in three dimensions with a perturbed shape The shape is described using the distance :math:`R(\theta, \phi)` of the interface from the origin as a function of the azimuthal angle :math:`\theta` and the polar angle :math:`\phi`. This function is developed as a truncated series of spherical harmonics :math:`Y_{l,m}(\theta, \phi)`: .. math:: R(\theta, \phi) = R_0 \left[1 + \sum_{l=1}^{N_l}\sum_{m=-l}^l \epsilon_{l,m} Y_{l,m}(\theta, \phi) \right] where :math:`N_l` is the number of perturbation modes considered, which is deduced from the length of the `amplitudes` array. """ dim = 3 __slots__ = ["data"] def __init__( self, position: np.ndarray, radius: float, interface_width: float | None = None, amplitudes: np.ndarray | None = None, ): r""" Args: position (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Position of the droplet center radius (float): Radius of the droplet interface_width (float, optional): Width of the interface amplitudes (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): Perturbation amplitudes :math:`\epsilon_{l,m}`. Note that the zero-th mode, which would only change the radius, is skipped. Consequently, the length of the array needs to be 0, 3, 8, 15, 24, ... to capture perturbations of the highest mode consistently. """ super().__init__(position, radius, interface_width, amplitudes) num_modes = len(self.amplitudes) + 1 if not spherical.spherical_index_count_optimal(num_modes): logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) l, _ = spherical.spherical_index_lm(num_modes) opt_modes = spherical.spherical_index_count(l) - 1 logger.warning( "The length of `amplitudes` should be such that all orders are " f"captured for the perturbations with the highest degree ({l}). " f"Consider increasing the size of the array to {opt_modes}." )
[docs] @preserve_scalars def interface_distance( # type: ignore self, θ: np.ndarray, φ: np.ndarray | None = None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""calculates the distance of the droplet interface to the origin Args: θ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): Azimuthal angle (in :math:`[0, \pi]`) φ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): Polar angle (in :math:`[0, 2\pi]`); 0 if omitted Returns: Array with distances of the interfacial points associated with the angles """ if φ is None: φ = np.zeros_like(θ) elif θ.shape != φ.shape: raise ValueError("Shape of θ and φ must agree") dist: np.ndarray = np.ones(θ.shape, dtype=float) for k, a in enumerate(self.amplitudes, 1): # skip zero-th mode! if a != 0: dist += a * spherical.spherical_harmonic_real_k(k, θ, φ) # type: ignore return self.radius * dist
[docs] @preserve_scalars def interface_position( self, θ: np.ndarray, φ: np.ndarray | None = None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""calculates the position of the interface of the droplet Args: θ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): Azimuthal angle (in :math:`[0, \pi]`) φ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): Polar angle (in :math:`[0, 2\pi]`); 0 if omitted Returns: Array with coordinates of the interfacial points associated with the angles """ if φ is None: φ = np.zeros_like(θ) elif θ.shape != φ.shape: raise ValueError("Shape of θ and φ must agree") dist = self.interface_distance(θ, φ) unit_vector = [np.sin(θ) * np.cos(φ), np.sin(θ) * np.sin(φ), np.cos(θ)] pos = dist[:, None] * np.transpose(unit_vector) return self.position[None, :] + pos # type: ignore
[docs] @preserve_scalars def interface_curvature( # type: ignore self, θ: np.ndarray, φ: np.ndarray | None = None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""calculates the mean curvature of the interface of the droplet For simplicity, the effect of the perturbations are only included to linear order in the perturbation amplitudes :math:`\epsilon_{l,m}`. Args: θ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): Azimuthal angle (in :math:`[0, \pi]`) φ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): Polar angle (in :math:`[0, 2\pi]`); 0 if omitted Returns: Array with curvature at the interfacial points associated with the angles """ if φ is None: φ = np.zeros_like(θ) elif θ.shape != φ.shape: raise ValueError("Shape of θ and φ must agree") Yk = spherical.spherical_harmonic_real_k correction = 0 for k, a in enumerate(self.amplitudes, 1): # skip zero-th mode! if a != 0: l, _ = spherical.spherical_index_lm(k) hk = (l**2 + l - 2) / 2 correction = a * hk * Yk(k, θ, φ) # type: ignore return 1 / self.radius + correction / self.radius**2 # type: ignore
@property def volume(self) -> float: """float: volume of the droplet (determined numerically)""" def integrand(θ, φ): """helper function calculating the integrand""" r = self.interface_distance(θ, φ) return r**3 * np.sin(θ) / 3 volume = integrate.dblquad( integrand, 0, 2 * np.pi, lambda _: 0, lambda _: np.pi )[0] return volume # type: ignore @volume.setter def volume(self, volume: float) -> None: """set volume keeping relative perturbations""" raise NotImplementedError("Cannot set volume") @property def volume_approx(self) -> float: """float: approximate volume to linear order in the perturbation""" volume = spherical.volume_from_radius(self.radius, 3) if len(self.amplitudes) > 0: volume += self.amplitudes[0] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * self.radius**2 return volume
[docs] class PerturbedDroplet3DAxisSym(PerturbedDropletBase): r"""Represents a droplet axisymmetrically perturbed shape in three dimensions The shape is described using the distance :math:`R(\theta)` of the interface from the origin as a function of the azimuthal angle :math:`\theta`, while polar symmetry is assumed. This function is developed as a truncated series of spherical harmonics :math:`Y_{l,m}(\theta, 0)`: .. math:: R(\theta) = R_0 \left[1 + \sum_{l=1}^{N_l} \epsilon_{l} Y_{l,0}(\theta, 0) \right] where :math:`N_l` is the number of perturbation modes considered, which is deduced from the length of the `amplitudes` array. """ dim = 3 __slots__ = ["data"]
[docs] def check_data(self): """method that checks the validity and consistency of""" super().check_data() if not np.allclose(self.position[:2], 0): raise ValueError("Droplet must lie on z-axis")
[docs] @preserve_scalars def interface_distance(self, θ: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # type: ignore r"""calculates the distance of the droplet interface to the origin Args: θ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): Azimuthal angle (in :math:`[0, \pi]`) Returns: Array with distances of the interfacial points associated with the angles """ dist: np.ndarray = np.ones(θ.shape, dtype=float) for order, a in enumerate(self.amplitudes, 1): # skip zero-th mode! if a != 0: dist += a * spherical.spherical_harmonic_symmetric(order, θ) # type: ignore return self.radius * dist
[docs] @preserve_scalars def interface_curvature(self, θ: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # type: ignore r"""calculates the mean curvature of the interface of the droplet For simplicity, the effect of the perturbations are only included to linear order in the perturbation amplitudes :math:`\epsilon_{l,m}`. Args: θ (float or :class:`~np.ndarray`): Azimuthal angle (in :math:`[0, \pi]`) Returns: Array with curvature at the interfacial points associated with the angles """ Yl = spherical.spherical_harmonic_symmetric correction = 0 for order, a in enumerate(self.amplitudes, 1): # skip zero-th mode! if a != 0: hl = (order**2 + order - 2) / 2 correction = a * hl * Yl(order, θ) # type: ignore return 1 / self.radius + correction / self.radius**2 # type: ignore
@property def volume_approx(self) -> float: """float: approximate volume to linear order in the perturbation""" volume = spherical.volume_from_radius(self.radius, 3) if len(self.amplitudes) > 0: volume += self.amplitudes[0] * 2 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * self.radius**2 return volume
def droplet_from_data(droplet_class: str, data: np.ndarray) -> DropletBase: """create a droplet instance of the given class using some data Args: droplet_class (str): The name of the class that is used to create the droplet instance data (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): A numpy array that defines the droplet properties """ cls = DropletBase._subclasses[droplet_class] return cls(**{key: data[key] for key in data.dtype.names}) # type: ignore class _TriangulatedSpheres: """helper class for handling stored data about triangulated spheres""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "resources" / "spheres_3d.hdf5" self.num_list = np.zeros((0,)) dict[int, dict[str, Any]] | None = None def _load(self): """load the stored resource""" import h5py logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Open resource `%s`", self.path) with h5py.File(self.path, "r") as f: self.num_list = np.array(f.attrs["num_list"]) = {} for num in self.num_list: group = f[str(num)] tri = { "points": np.array(group["points"]), "angles": np.array(group["angles"]), "cells": np.array(group["cells"]), }[num] = tri def get_triangulation(self, num_est: int = 1) -> dict[str, Any]: """get a triangulation of a sphere Args: num_est (int): The rough number of vertices in the triangulation Returns: dict: A dictionary with information about the triangulation """ if is None: self._load() index = np.argmin((self.num_list - num_est) ** 2) return[self.num_list[index]] # type: ignore triangulated_spheres = _TriangulatedSpheres() __all__ = [ "SphericalDroplet", "DiffuseDroplet", "PerturbedDroplet2D", "PerturbedDroplet3D", "PerturbedDroplet3DAxisSym", ]