Source code for droplets.droplet_tracks

Classes representing the time evolution of droplets

.. autosummary::


.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import json
import logging
from typing import Callable, Literal

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib import recfunctions as rfn
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.spatial import distance

from pde.grids.base import GridBase
from import StorageBase
from import display_progress
from import PlotReference, plot_on_axes
from pde.trackers.base import InfoDict

from .droplets import SphericalDroplet, droplet_from_data
from .emulsions import Emulsion, EmulsionTimeCourse

def contiguous_true_regions(condition: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Finds contiguous True regions in the boolean array "condition"

    Inspired by

        condition (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
            A one-dimensional boolean array

        :class:`~numpy.ndarray`: A two-dimensional array where the first column
        is the start index of the region and the second column is the end index
    if len(condition) == 0:
        return np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.intc)

    # convert condition array to integer
    condition = np.asarray(condition, np.intc)

    # Find the indices of changes in "condition"
    d = np.diff(condition)
    idx = np.flatnonzero(d)

    # We need to start things after the change in "condition". Therefore,
    # we'll shift the index by 1 to the right.
    idx += 1

    if condition[0]:
        # If the start of condition is True prepend a 0
        idx = np.r_[0, idx]

    if condition[-1]:
        # If the end of condition is True, append the length of the array
        idx = np.r_[idx, condition.size]

    # Reshape the result into two columns
    return idx.reshape(-1, 2).astype(np.intc)

[docs] class DropletTrack: """information about a single droplet over multiple time steps""" def __init__(self, droplets=None, times=None): """ Args: emulsions (list): List of emulsions that describe this time course times (list): Times associated with the emulsions """ if isinstance(droplets, DropletTrack): # get data from given object times = droplets.times droplets = droplets.droplets self.droplets = [] self.times = [] # add all emulsions if droplets: for d in droplets: self.append(d) # add all times if times is not None: self.times = list(times) if len(self.times) != len(self.droplets): raise ValueError( "The lists of droplets and times need to have the same length" ) def __repr__(self): """human-readable representation of a droplet track""" class_name = self.__class__.__name__ if len(self.times) == 0: return f"{class_name}([])" elif len(self.times) == 1: return f"{class_name}(time={self.start})" else: return f"{class_name}(timespan={self.start}..{self.end})" def __len__(self): """number of time points""" return len(self.times) def __getitem__(self, key: int | slice): """return the droplets identified by the given index/slice""" result = self.droplets.__getitem__(key) if isinstance(key, slice): return self.__class__(droplets=result, times=self.times[key]) else: return result def __eq__(self, other): """determine whether two DropletTracks instance are equal""" return self.times == other.times and self.droplets == other.droplets @property def start(self) -> float: """float: first time point""" return self.times[0] # type: ignore @property def end(self) -> float: """float: last time point""" return self.times[-1] # type: ignore @property def duration(self) -> float: """float: total duration of the track""" if len(self.times) > 0: return self.end - self.start else: return 0 @property def first(self) -> SphericalDroplet: """SphericalDroplet: first droplet instance""" return self.droplets[0] # type: ignore @property def last(self) -> SphericalDroplet: """SphericalDroplet: last droplet instance""" return self.droplets[-1] # type: ignore @property def dim(self) -> int | None: """return the space dimension of the droplets""" try: return self.last.dim except IndexError: return None @property def data(self) -> np.ndarray | None: """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: an array containing the data of the full track""" if len(self) == 0: return None else: d0 = self.first dtype = [("time", "f8")] + result = np.empty(len(self), dtype=dtype) for i in range(len(self)): result[i] = (self.times[i],) + self.droplets[i].data.tolist() return result def __iter__(self): """iterate over all droplets""" return iter(self.droplets)
[docs] def items(self): """iterate over all times and droplets, returning them in pairs""" return zip(self.times, self.droplets)
[docs] def append(self, droplet: SphericalDroplet, time: float | None = None) -> None: """append a new droplet with a time code Args: droplet (:class:`droplets.droplets.SphericalDroplet`): The droplet to append time (float, optional): The associated time point """ if self.dim is not None and droplet.dim != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Space dimension of added droplet must match the DropletTrack " f" ({droplet.dim} != {self.dim})" ) # add the emulsion self.droplets.append(droplet.copy()) if time is None: time = 0 if len(self.times) == 0 else self.times[-1] + 1 self.times.append(time)
[docs] def get_position(self, time: float) -> np.ndarray: """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: returns the droplet position at a specific time""" try: idx = self.times.index(time) except AttributeError: # assume that self.times is a numpy array idx = np.nonzero(self.times == time)[0][0] return self.droplets[idx].position # type: ignore
[docs] def get_trajectory( self, smoothing: float = 0, *, attribute: str = "position" ) -> np.ndarray: """return a the time-evolution of a droplet attribute (e.g., the position) Args: smoothing (float): Determines the scale for some gaussian smoothing of the trajectory. The default value of zero disables smoothing. attribute (str): The attribute to consider (default: "position"). Returns: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`: An array giving the position of the droplet at each time instance """ trajectory = np.array([getattr(d, attribute) for d in self.droplets]) if smoothing: ndimage.gaussian_filter1d( trajectory, output=trajectory, sigma=smoothing, axis=0, mode="nearest" ) return trajectory
[docs] def get_radii(self, smoothing: float = 0) -> np.ndarray: """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: returns the droplet radius for each time point Args: smoothing (float): Determines the length scale for some gaussian smoothing of the trajectory. The default value of zero disables smoothing. """ return self.get_trajectory(smoothing, attribute="radius")
[docs] def get_volumes(self, smoothing: float = 0) -> np.ndarray: """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: returns the droplet volume for each time point Args: smoothing (float): Determines the volume scale for some gaussian smoothing of the trajectory. The default value of zero disables smoothing. """ return self.get_trajectory(smoothing, attribute="volume")
[docs] def time_overlaps(self, other: DropletTrack) -> bool: """determine whether two DropletTrack instances overlaps in time Args: other (:class:`DropletTrack`): The other droplet track Returns: bool: True when both tracks contain droplets at the same time step """ s0, s1 = self.start, self.end o0, o1 = other.start, other.end return s0 <= o1 and o0 <= s1
@classmethod def _from_hdf_dataset(cls, dataset) -> DropletTrack: """construct a droplet track by reading data from an hdf5 dataset Args: dataset: A HDF5 dataset from which the data of the droplet track is read """ # there are values, so the emulsion is not empty droplet_class = dataset.attrs["droplet_class"] obj = cls() if droplet_class == "None": return obj else: # separate time from the data set times = dataset["time"] droplet_data = rfn.rec_drop_fields(dataset, "time") for time, data in zip(times, droplet_data): droplet = droplet_from_data(droplet_class, data) obj.append(droplet, time=time) # type: ignore return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path: str) -> DropletTrack: """create droplet track by reading from file Args: path (str): The path from which the data is read. This function assumes that the data was written as an HDF5 file using :meth:`to_file`. """ import h5py with h5py.File(path, "r") as fp: if len(fp) != 1: raise RuntimeError( f"Multiple droplet tracks found in file {path}. Did you mean to " "load a DropletTrackList instead?" ) dataset = fp[list(fp.keys())[0]] # retrieve the only dataset obj = cls._from_hdf_dataset(dataset) return obj
def _write_hdf_dataset(self, hdf_path, key: str = "droplet_track"): """write data to a given hdf5 path `hdf_path`""" if self: # emulsion contains at least one droplet dataset = hdf_path.create_dataset(key, # ensures that there is only one droplet class dataset.attrs["droplet_class"] = self[0].__class__.__name__ else: # create empty dataset to indicate empty emulsion dataset = hdf_path.create_dataset(key, shape=tuple()) dataset.attrs["droplet_class"] = "None" return dataset
[docs] def to_file(self, path: str, info: InfoDict | None = None) -> None: """store data in hdf5 file The data can be read using the classmethod :meth:`DropletTrack.from_file`. Args: path (str): The path to which the data is written as an HDF5 file. info (dict): Additional data stored alongside the droplet track list """ import h5py with h5py.File(path, "w") as fp: self._write_hdf_dataset(fp) # write additional information if info: for k, v in info.items(): fp.attrs[k] = json.dumps(v)
[docs] @plot_on_axes() def plot( self, attribute: str = "radius", smoothing: float = 0, t_max: float | None = None, ax=None, **kwargs, ) -> PlotReference: """plot the time evolution of the droplet Args: attribute (str): The attribute to plot. Typical values include `radius` and `volume`, but others might be defined on the droplet class. smoothing (float): Determines the scale for some gaussian smoothing of the trajectory. The default value of zero disables smoothing. {PLOT_ARGS} **kwargs: All remaining parameters are forwarded to the `ax.plot` method. For example, passing `color=None`, will use different colors for different droplets. Returns: :class:``: Information about the plot """ if len(self.times) == 0: return PlotReference(ax, None) if attribute in {"radius", "radii"}: data = self.get_radii() ylabel = "Radius" elif attribute in {"volume", "volumes"}: data = self.get_volumes() ylabel = "Volume" else: data = self.get_trajectory(smoothing=smoothing, attribute=attribute) ylabel = attribute.capitalize() if t_max is not None and len(self.times) >= 2 and self.times[-1] < t_max: dt = self.times[-1] - self.times[-2] times = np.r_[self.times, self.times[-1] + dt] data = np.r_[data, 0] else: times = self.times (line,) = ax.plot(times, data, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel("Time") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) return PlotReference(ax, line, {"attribute": attribute})
[docs] @plot_on_axes() def plot_positions( self, grid: GridBase | None = None, arrow: bool = True, ax=None, **kwargs ) -> PlotReference: """plot the droplet track Args: grid (GridBase, optional): The grid on which the droplets are defined. If given, periodic boundary conditions can be respected in the plotting. arrow (bool, optional): Flag determining whether an arrow head is shown to indicate the direction of the droplet drift. {PLOT_ARGS} **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the matplotlib plot function to affect the appearance. For example, passing `color=None`, will use different colors for different droplets. Returns: :class:``: Information about the plot """ if len(self.times) == 0: return PlotReference(ax, None, {"arrow": arrow}) if self.dim != 2: raise NotImplementedError("Plotting is only implemented for 2d grids") # obtain droplet positions as a function of time xy = self.get_trajectory() if grid is None: # simply plot the trajectory cx, cy = xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1] (line,) = ax.plot(cx, cy, **kwargs) else: # use the grid to detect wrapping around segments = [] for p1, p2 in zip(xy[:-1], xy[1:]): dist_direct = np.hypot(p1[0] - p2[0], p1[1] - p2[1]) dist_real = grid.distance(p1, p2, coords="cartesian") close = np.isclose(dist_direct, dist_real) segments.append(close) # plot the individual segments line, cx = None, [] # type: ignore for s, e in contiguous_true_regions(np.array(segments)): if line is None: color = kwargs.get("color", "k") else: color = line.get_color() # ensure colors stays the same cx, cy = xy[s : e + 1, 0], xy[s : e + 1, 1] (line,) = ax.plot(cx, cy, color=color) if arrow and len(cx) >= 2: # add arrow head to last segment size = min(sum(ax.get_xlim()), sum(ax.get_ylim())) ax.arrow( cx[-2], cy[-2], cx[-1] - cx[-2], cy[-1] - cy[-2], head_width=0.02 * size, color=line.get_color(), ) return PlotReference(ax, None, {"arrow": arrow})
[docs] class DropletTrackList(list): """a list of instances of :class:`DropletTrack`""" def __getitem__(self, key: int | slice): # type: ignore """return the droplets identified by the given index/slice""" result = super().__getitem__(key) if isinstance(key, slice): return self.__class__(result) else: return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_emulsion_time_course( cls, time_course: EmulsionTimeCourse, *, method: Literal["distance", "overlap"] = "overlap", grid: GridBase | None = None, progress: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> DropletTrackList: r"""obtain droplet tracks from an emulsion time course Args: time_course (:class:`droplets.emulsions.EmulsionTimeCourse`): A collection of temporally arranged emulsions method (str): The method used for tracking droplet identities. Possible methods are "overlap" (adding droplets that overlap with those in previous frames) and "distance" (matching droplets to minimize center-to-center distances). grid (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): The grid on which the droplets are defined, which is necessary if periodic boundary conditions should be respected for measuring distances progress (bool): Whether to show the progress of the process. **kwargs: Additional parameters for the tracking algorithm. Currently, one can only specify a maximal distance (using `max_dist`) for the "distance" method. Returns: :class:`DropletTrackList`: the resulting droplet tracks """ # get tracks, i.e. clearly overlapping droplets tracks = cls() logger = logging.getLogger(cls.__name__) # determine the tracking method if method == "overlap": # track droplets by their physical overlap def match_tracks( emulsion: Emulsion, tracks_alive: list[DropletTrack], time: float ) -> None: """helper function adding emulsions to the tracks""" found_multiple_overlap = False for droplet in emulsion: # determine which old tracks could be extended overlaps: list[DropletTrack] = [] for track in tracks_alive: if track.last.overlaps(droplet, grid=grid): overlaps.append(track) if len(overlaps) == 1: overlaps[0].append(droplet, time=time) else: if len(overlaps) > 1: found_multiple_overlap = True tracks.append(DropletTrack(droplets=[droplet], times=[time])) if found_multiple_overlap: logger.debug(f"Found multiple overlapping droplet(s) at t={time}") elif method == "distance": # track droplets by their physical distance max_dist = kwargs.pop("max_dist", np.inf) def match_tracks( emulsion: Emulsion, tracks_alive: list[DropletTrack], time: float ) -> None: """helper function adding emulsions to the tracks""" added = set() # calculate the distance between droplets if tracks_alive: if grid is None: metric: str | Callable = "euclidean" else: metric = functools.partial(grid.distance, coords="cartesian") points_prev = [track.last.position for track in tracks_alive] points_now = [droplet.position for droplet in emulsion] dists = distance.cdist(points_prev, points_now, metric=metric) # impose a cutoff distance dists[dists > max_dist] = np.inf # add all matching droplets while True: i, j = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dists), dists.shape) if np.isinf(dists[i, j]): break # no more matches added.add(j) tracks_alive[i].append(emulsion[j], time=time) # type: ignore dists[i, :] = np.inf dists[:, j] = np.inf # add droplets that have not been matched for i, droplet in enumerate(emulsion): # type: ignore if i not in added: tracks.append(DropletTrack(droplets=[droplet], times=[time])) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown tracking method {method}") # check kwargs if kwargs: logger.warning(f"Unused keyword arguments: {kwargs}") # add all emulsions successively using the given algorithm t_last = None for t, emulsion in display_progress( time_course.items(), total=len(time_course), enabled=progress ): # determine tracks from the last frame that have not yet been extended tracks_alive = [track for track in tracks if track.end == t_last] # match all tracks with the current emulsion match_tracks(emulsion, tracks_alive, time=t) t_last = t return tracks
[docs] @classmethod def from_storage( cls, storage: StorageBase, *, method: Literal["distance", "overlap"] = "overlap", refine: bool = False, num_processes: int | Literal["auto"] = 1, progress: bool | None = None, ) -> DropletTrackList: r"""obtain droplet tracks from stored scalar field data This method first determines an emulsion time course and than collects tracks by tracking droplets. Args: storage (:class:``): The phase fields for many time instances method (str): The method used for tracking droplet identities. Possible methods are "overlap" (adding droplets that overlap with those in previous frames) and "distance" (matching droplets to minimize center-to-center distances). refine (bool): Flag determining whether the droplet properties should be refined using fitting. This is a potentially slow procedure. num_processes (int or "auto"): Number of processes used for the refinement. If set to "auto", the number of processes is choosen automatically. progress (bool): Whether to show the progress of the process. If `None`, the progress is not shown, except for the first step if `refine` is `True`. Returns: :class:`DropletTrackList`: the resulting droplet tracks """ etc = EmulsionTimeCourse.from_storage( storage, refine=refine, num_processes=num_processes, progress=progress ) if progress is None: progress = False return cls.from_emulsion_time_course(etc, method=method, progress=progress)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path: str) -> DropletTrackList: """create droplet track list by reading file Args: path (str): The path from which the data is read. This function assumes that the data was written as an HDF5 file using :meth:`to_file`. Returns: :class:`DropletTrackList`: an instance describing the droplet track list """ import h5py obj = cls() with h5py.File(path, "r") as fp: for key in sorted(fp.keys()): # iterate in the stored order dataset = fp[key] obj.append(DropletTrack._from_hdf_dataset(dataset)) return obj
[docs] def to_file(self, path: str, info: InfoDict | None = None) -> None: """store data in hdf5 file The data can be read using the classmethod :meth:`DropletTrackList.from_file`. Args: path (str): The path to which the data is written as an HDF5 file. info (dict): Additional data stored alongside the droplet track list """ import h5py with h5py.File(path, "w") as fp: # write the actual emulsion data for i, droplet_track in enumerate(self): droplet_track._write_hdf_dataset(fp, f"track_{i:06d}") # write additional information if info: for k, v in info.items(): fp.attrs[k] = json.dumps(v)
[docs] def remove_short_tracks(self, min_duration: float = 0) -> None: """remove tracks that a shorter than a minimal duration Args: min_duration (float): The minimal duration a droplet track must have in order to be retained. This is measured in actual time and not in the number of time steps stored in the track. """ for i in reversed(range(len(self))): if self[i].duration <= min_duration: self.pop(i)
[docs] @plot_on_axes() def plot(self, attribute: str = "radius", ax=None, **kwargs) -> PlotReference: """plot the time evolution of all droplets Args: attribute (str): The attribute to plot. Typical values include `radius` and `volume`, but others might be defined on the droplet class. {PLOT_ARGS} **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the matplotlib plot function to affect the appearance. The special value `color="cycle"` implies that the default color cycle is used for the tracks, using different colors for different tracks. Returns: :class:``: Information about the plot """ # choose a suitable color for the tracks if "color" in kwargs: if kwargs["color"] == "cycle": kwargs.pop("color") # if color is None, use the default color cycle else: kwargs["color"] = "k" # use black by default # get maximal time if self: t_max = max(track.times[-1] for track in self if len(track.times) > 0) else: t_max = None # adjust alpha such that multiple tracks are visible well kwargs.setdefault("alpha", min(0.8, 20 / len(self))) elements = [] for track in self: elements.append( track.plot(attribute=attribute, t_max=t_max, ax=ax, **kwargs).element ) kwargs["label"] = "" # set potential plot label only for first track return PlotReference(ax, elements, {"attribute": attribute})
[docs] @plot_on_axes() def plot_positions(self, ax=None, **kwargs) -> PlotReference: """plot all droplet tracks Args: {PLOT_ARGS} **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the matplotlib plot function to affect the appearance. Returns: :class:``: Information about the plot """ elements = [track.plot_positions(ax=ax, **kwargs).element for track in self] return PlotReference(ax, elements)
__all__ = ["DropletTrack", "DropletTrackList"]